01 The Beginning

This is how it began. I would gather whatever I could find in our 90's home and try to play along to whatever music was playing on TV.

Hi friend! 

I’m stepping out in faith and starting this new venture of making YouTube videos and blogging! How exciting (and a little bit scary)! 

First of all, I am a daughter of the Most High, wife, mother, and creative. 

As I’ve trudged through the creative waters on my own trying to find my way, I’ve many times wished for a place where I could connect with like-minded people. A place where I could ask hard questions and connect with real people, with real stories and life lessons I could learn from.

If you’re a fellow creative struggling with burnout, creative block or just feel discouraged, let me tell you, I know what it feels like. It’s a tough place to be but I’ve come to learn that the solution often is simpler than we think: community.

”It is not good for man to be alone” (Gen 2:18). You can interpret that verse in many ways but in this context, my point is to say: We’re not meant to do this alone! God created us for community, for family. And it is when we stand together, linking arms, offering discipleship, accountability, and encouragement, that’s when we bloom and grow. 

I longed for a place where Christian creatives from all over the world could come together to exchange lessons learned, build their skillsets, and build friendships. And so; I created HeavnCollective. 

On this website, you’ll find this blog where I share helpful tips for Christian creatives and more, an online gallery where we showcase talent, a music page for the artists we represent, and hopefully in the future, a cute little store. 

What I share on this blog, I also aim to turn into video format to post on YouTube. So make sure you subscribe to Asperud Cottage to not miss out when that launches. 

I look forward to our journey together!



Previous Blog Posts


02 Finding peace