02 Finding peace

Me after my burn-out going back to simplicity. No fancy set-up or equipment needed to praise the Lord. 

When I was young I thought I was invincible. I welcomed challenges and took every opportunity to prove myself able… and worthy. (Let’s unpack that another time)

For some reason, I felt I had to impress to be accepted and collect oohs and aahs to feel loved and valued.

When I think about it, I grew up in a home that only offered praise when I had accomplished something praiseworthy. This meant that I started “performing”, in many different ways, hoping to receive validation and attention. I know my parents love me and they did the best they could so I’m not blaming them for my own faults… No, dear friend, this is not a pity party, but it is interesting what you find when you start unpacking your behaviors and beliefs, looking backwards (led by the Holy Spirit) to see forward. For the longest time, I believed I had to earn love. But now, thanks to Jesus I have discovered the simple truth; that before I can do a thing - I’m already loved.

Realizing this has revolutionized the way I see myself and my creativity. No matter how much I create or even how well I create, God is already pleased with me… And You! As I go on this beautiful journey of re-learning the childlike simplicity of creativity, I invite you to join me in laying down the fear of failure, fear of people’s opinions, and even the fear of disappointing yourself. Let’s decide to be child-like, joyful, and yes, even contented with the results, however big or small. Your Father in heaven is SO proud of you. <3

I can’t begin to say how much my life has changed since I was saved by Christ. I’ve been washed clean, healed, and given a new name. Now I can look at my past giving grace to not only myself for past mistakes but also to those who might have hurt me.

Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, and mind(Matt 22:37), and love your neighbor as yourself. (Matt 22:39)

Much Love,
Sophia B-S


Previous Blog Posts


01 The Beginning